in lack of a good name: P P P


First off, i would like to thank these 2 guys to fix my broken laptop screen and give me equipment to fix my camera! That was pretty cool, or blazin’ what ever expression you prefer 😉 IMG_1781I got invited to play Didgeridoo in front of a whole kindergarten school 🙂 IMG_1737The crowded Kata beach of Phuket IMG_1740 And me making best of it 😉IMG_1744 Patong, the redlight district…and no i have not seen a Pingpong show…and i am not sure i willIMG_1755still Patong, but its a different aspect 😀 IMG_1757 Thai snacks, sadly i haven’t found insects yet…IMG_1759My time in Phuket i spent making my stcw95 certificate which allows me to work on comercial boats now, as some of you already know. But my free time i spend with Diego and Julia. Diego was another couchsurfer at my host and Julia is an italian girl i picked up sitting alone on the beach. We had a lot of fun together, going from one jamsessio to the next. Diego plays amazing guitar and Julia works @Italian Job it Kata, wich serves great hot Chocolate and coffee. Julia 🙂  IMG_1770 And DiegoIMG_1772 Well, then my camera broke down… 😦 but Ole is a clever fellow, he used his phone instead, not as often but at least i can give a few more impressions Of this:2013-02-04 17.48.58 I want one of these! they are amazing!2013-02-04 17.51.03 2013-02-04 17.57.26The Buddha here needs to cover its face because there is so much dust from the building site2013-02-04 18.09.39the Belltree 2013-02-04 18.18.42 2013-02-04 18.48.47  Survival at sea day at my STCW-course2013-02-05 15.32.48 2013-02-06 18.31.09 And so i leave the russian-italian mass tourist place of Phuket, the umbrellas are down, and Ole takes a 24h busride…and is in chiang mai…goes to the Monastery (see last entry)…and is here now!

Eye and her friend took me up to Doi Sutep. And Doi Pui, where there is a small little mountain village


_DSC0937_DSC0948 _DSC0949

From there we went to Wat Doi Suthep. A beautiful monastery on top of the mountain.
Random fact: the stairs have 308 steps_DSC0960_DSC0963 _DSC0972

Ole receiving a blessed wristband_DSC0975 _DSC0980 _DSC0989 There is more than just hitting a gong, you can pet it to 🙂
the  result is just as  powerful…a wisdom for life?_DSC0991 _DSC0998
Fred and George
_DSC0999 _DSC1002
Ringing the lucky bells for Eye’s birthday

After that, i experienced normal daylife in Chiang Mai…
Chicken on bikes!

IMG_1803 IMG_1804 Look at this face, thats the real Willy Wonka! i am sure!IMG_1808 IMG_1815the Dickhead bike 😀 IMG_1817

Going to the GIANT night market @ChiangMai Walking Street on Sunday…WOW…so many shops and people…incredible

_DSC1045 i just couldn’t resist 😉_DSC1074

IMG_1822this actually tasted better than i expected IMG_1824and yes the redone is a pure fruit+ice strawberry shake from fresh strawberries 😛


Ok I really want to buy one of these awesome shirts!
Please write in the comments which one!
IMG_1826 IMG_1827 IMG_1828 IMG_1829 IMG_1830IMG_1839THANK YOU!!! 😀 😀 😀 IMG_1832

Maybe this is a good description for many Thai peopleIMG_1836 And this is a smart band setup in a busy road 🙂IMG_1837

Ok guys and girls, i know the last 10 minutes have been a lot of input, but brace yourselves for the Thailand POSTCARD QUIZ:

1.)Which of these beautiful woman is in fact a guy? O.o

IMG_1840Number 1? IMG_1842Number 2? IMG_1843Number3? (black dress) or Number4??


2.)What in gods Name is this?IMG_1811 IMG_1813

3.) How is PPP a good title for this post?
Be Creative!

Write a comment!
I only respect comments that tell me what shirt looks best 😛

So my dear reader thats all the pictures i had…well almost i deleted a few…in fact i uploaded so many pictures in this post, WordPress does not allow me to add more…so i have to delete a picture to give you the sunset you deserve after this joyride 🙂

So Long ole


Here you go! You deserved it! Thank you for reading. Please Comment if you want to get a postcard, or have questions, or like me, or follow me, or ask for pictures of something, or give me a task, or recommend something, or tell me to write about something you are really interested about, or introduce yourself, in short give me FEEDBACK…please 🙂 

p.s. i totally forgot to tell you that i start my education as a Thai-Masseur tomorrow…and no that has nothing to do with a happy ending.
p.p.s. hang on a moment who said a massage with a happy ending has to be sexual? i hope all my clients will have happy ending of their massage…i don’t want unhappy clients, they don’t tip 😀