i don’t despise a paradise

oh no i dont!

Ludi and I are enjoying ourselves!
If it is parties in 30 degree nights or acting as movie directors to see the top floor of a skyscraper 🙂
We still don’t have a job, but we are much closer to the farms now.
After an unsatisfying attempt to buy a car,  in which we got double ripped off (by the owner and mechanic) and lost quite some money and gained literally nothing (well maybe some knowledge in how not to buy a car o.O )almost bought a car
That whole car sale thing threw us a little out of it, but now we are back in business!
We are in the tree house paradise of Boinga Bob.
After a beautiful Valentines day, we arrived at Bobs house.
Bob is a world traveler much like me, just 52 years older than myself ( He is 74 😉 )
He has spent his life in Africa, Asia, Alaska and out of the box. He has sailed to england and still knows a surprising amount of German… enough to confuse us and make us laugh 🙂
Here we will help him to bring his house back to life.
The council wants to tear one of his projects down, even though it is one of the valleys main tourist attractions.
Help save Boingas Treehouse! (click!)

We also want to establish a volunteering possibility here, so people can come and help.

So this is where we are going to spend the next week(s) and help a fellow out.

Then we will most likely continue to find work on a nursery or maybe winery in the area.

p.s. check out Ludis blog –> HERE

Kangaroos, Koalas and good news

I made it to the smallest continent.
Yesterday i got Ludi (Kopfspasmen) from the airport, we haven’t seen for more than 1.5 years.
Damn it doesn’t feel that long at all.
We will just go on as if nothing has happened…everything has changed, and everything stayed the same.

I arrived on my birthday, which was 26h long..yay my longest birthday yet.
2 beautiful ladies picked me up and we went to the Mornington peninsular.
The beach is great, the waves big and so much fun.
They totally bashed the glass out of my sun glasses 😀
After the beach we went to the hot springs which i can only recommend..great outlook over the hillsides and great ambiance.
Forgive me, i sound like a traveling catalogue 😀
We went to see kangaroos and in the koala park on Phillips island the next day…we got 1m close to koalas, which was a pretty cool experience.
Fun fact: Koalas have poisonous meat, because they eat eucalyptus leaves all day.
We considered going to the penguin parade, but 22$ was a lot for just watching penguins.
Especially when you can watch them for free on the St. Kilda Pier…yes i forgot my camera..

Now i finally found an apartment, for the next 2 weeks, really cool.
I wrote application letters to half of Melbourne (and we are going to apply to the other half on Monday),.
We have work on a cactus farm which is on a former surface gold mine, maybe we will find some nuggets (wish us luck!)
And we have an invitation of Boinga Bob in Warburton, which is really amazing.

Now we just have to find a cheap car and a well paid job and everything is perfecter 😉

but for now enjoy pictures:

so long Ole