Things Happen

Dear readers,
a lot has happened since i wrote last.

The Forest was amazing! We went on a little hiking trip up to a mountain called “pigeon House Mountain” which Capt’n Cook himself named.
Sadly my camera died before i could take a single picture… :/
But it was very relaxing. I did a three day fast and detox and felt so refreshed afterwards.

After coming back to Sydney, i finally couch-surfed again!
I wanted to show Rose how amazing the concept of CS. Our first host ditched us last-minute, but we ended up having the best host ever! Brett is amazing! He is a chef that lived in peru for a couple years and has traveled the world, i could immediately identify 😀
He invited me to come to an innovation and design exhibition, to which i sadly forgot my camera 😦

Then we went to a hip-hop club where rose DJed and i beat-boxed.
It was a lot of fun and it was my first time i have been immersed in Australian underground culture.
Apparently it is the only bar in Sydney that constantly plays old-school hip-hop.

Rose flew off to Europe 😦 but i will not let that take my fun away :DSo I went off to a friendly milliner (a hatmaker) to fix my to small hat. He told me that if i annoy him enough he will teach me how to do it.
So i did, hand he showed me. It seems the old traditional crafts are dying and nowadays people do it mostly for a hobby. But here in Australia people (meaning middle and upper-class women) actually wear little hats and fascinators, because horse and dog racing is still a big thing here down under. Old English traditions i suppose.

I went to a couple photo shoots and am trying to get another modeling gig to make some money.
I moved back to my favorite place, here in Coogee it’s just the best.
One of Roses friends showed me around in the music scene of Sydney. The event was called “Fringe festival”.
It was an event similar to the “Fete de la musique” in Berlin, where every bar has a musician in their window.
So many diverse bands played! I think it was the first  time since…
yeah since when.  I don’t remember when i saw a live concert last.
How long have i been gone?
Wow over 2 Years or 111 weeks, 780 days or 18,720 hours. ( ok just for completeness, i have been gone for about 67,392,000 seconds 😉 )
Loong time.
Well you guys might need to wait a couple more seconds before Ole is back.
But i will be back, maybe sooner than you think.

ok picture fix:


Thats it from your outpost here on the other side of our little blue dot in the universe.
I have become a TEDicct. Meaning i watch 2-3 ted videos a day 😀 It is amazing how much you can learn if somebody puts it in digestible form!
I can only recommend downloading the mobile app.

So long and thanks for all the Fish

the Men from Snowy River

Hey there,
as i promised, here comes a picturesce post from the red continent.
We are in sydney by now, and i will slowly catch up with writing.
So enjoy.

After Warburton we took the bus to Mansfield where Ron (one of the horseback riding guys) took us in his BMW and with his freshly amputated leg 3 hours in rollercoaster style to the horse hut.
The hut is right near to where the movie “The Man from Snowy River” was filmed, and the customers rode to see some of the movie sets.

We hitchiked to sydney from canberra.
Had a unfortunate WWOOFing experience and bought a car for 1/4th of the reasonable price.
but that is a story for the next post 🙂

So Long Ole

If you are interested in a tour go >HERE<

The song for today is: Look at my horse